Karol Cattery
American Shorthair
Classic Silver Tabbies
Located in Southeastern Pennsylvania
CFA Exclusively Since 1967


Kittens and Adoptions Usually Available!

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A big "MEOW" welcome to the home page of Karol Cattery.  Among these pages you will find pictures of the magnificent American Shorthair Cat, including the guys, gals and kittens of Karol Cattery.  Purrs, >^o^<


"Manny" of Karol Cattery     "Gals" of Karol Cattery     "Poetry" of Karol Cattery     "Kittens" of Karol Cattery

"Manny's" Friend, George          Links          History of American Shorthairs


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Copyright © Karol Cattery and Pham Computers 2000